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Born and raised in Italy, Laura Bernardi Piovesana moved to USA in 2010.
After a full business career in Milan working as marketing manager for big American companies such as Warner Brothers and Walt Disney, she moved to Texas to follow her husband, Giovanni.
She is a Marketing and PR Manager and works independently as a consultant, in charge of projects to develop the “Made in Italy” market in USA.


But above all she always love to cook ...and to eat!

She learn a lot from her mom and grandma while she was growing up, just seeing them cooking as it is the most natural thing.
Laura loves to cook parmigiana (that is also Giovanni’s favorite plate) but also lasagna, gnocchi and a lot appetizer - finger food because there is always someone browsing around their Tiki house... and if it’s 5 o’clock you better have something to be served with the aperitivo!

After a success of a couple of Cooking Classes for friends she decided to establish this business with the fantastic help of her friend Linda!

Now she has two more supporters that appreciate daily her cooking passion...her twins Giorgio and Giulia that are born in Texas with Italian design :)


After spent 5 years in Albany, GA, she recently move to Pensacola, FL area and she's already spreading the love for the authentic Italian food among the Pensacola Foodies!


Some rules of Laura’s kitchen: taste, smile and always use a wooden spoon!



                   Sous-Chef Linda

Linda Nagel, 100% american and 100% from Texas, she is turning a little bit least on the kitchen!
She can do the best Mushroom risotto, italian meatballs and much more!
She is Laura right arm and she know exactly what to use for every italian will be surprise to listen her speaking in english...because when she is in the kitchen she act like a real Italian Chef!

"Italian meals are structured in a way that keeps family and friends at the table and I love this, you can taste better, sharing opinion and enjoy the "meal time" better!"

Linda's favorite dish: scaloppine with Porcini Mushroom...absolutely "amazing and beyond". Hell Yeah.

Or better LL Yeah...! (LL stands for Laura & Linda!)



Chef Laura

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